Avem posibilitatea de a organiza transporturi maritime containerizate catre si dinspre portul Constanta precum si intre orice alte porturi externe. Utilizand serviciile noastre puteti transporta marfa in containere complete sau in regim de grupaj oriunde in lume.
Felul containelor si modalitatea lor de incarcare poate fi:
Serviciile de transport maritim pe care le furnizam includ urmatoarele:
Daca doriti mai multe informatii cu privire la transportul maritim sau o cotatie de pret, nu ezitati sa ne contactati!
We can organize containerized shipping to and from port Constanta and between any other external ports. Using our services you can carry full or groupage cargo anywhere in the world.
Types of containers and the way of loading:
Maritime transport services we provide include the following:
If you want more information about shipping or a quotation, do not hesitate to contact us!
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